Dashboard > Help > Editor



The Editor features a toolbar with icons to assist with content formatting. The buttons should look quite familiar to users of Microsoft Office and Google Docs. Here are some instructions to help assist with the peculiarities of this content editor.

Working with the “Editor”

Reset Formatting

An easy way to reverse every formatting change made to content regardless of when they were made and in what order exists.

  1. Highlight the content that you want the formatting reset for.
  2. In the Editor toolbar, click the button.
  3. The formatting for the highlighted content should now be reset.
Making the “Editor” Larger
  1. Click the icon.
  2. Make your edits with the fullscreen Editor.
  3. Click the icon from Step 1 to return to the original page/editor size.

Text Formatting

Changing the Font Size
  1. Highlight the text that you want the font size changed for.
  2. In the “Editor” toolbar, click here:

  3. Select your font size, and you should now see the changes reflected in the text.

Or if you are editing digital signage, the toolbar looks like this:

Inserting a Special Character or Emoji

Special characters such as the degree symbol may be needed to precisely communicate, here’s how you can easily insert them.

  1. Click the area in the Editor where you want the special character to be displayed.
  2. In the Editor toolbar, click or .
  3. Click the desired symbol or emoji, and it should show up in the Editor.

Media (Images, Tables, HTML)

Image Insertion

Here’s how you can add an image to your document, or combine it with some text content on a slides!

Note: If you’re looking to insert only an image into the Digital Signage, use the “Upload Image” feature of the “Editor” (“Add Slide”) instead.

  1. In the editor toolbar, click .
  2. In the popup dialogue, either:
    • Click the folder button in the Source row, and either:
      • Click the Upload button, select and upload a file, click the FileBrowser link in the top left corner, then select the uploaded image.
      • Select an existing image.
    • Or, in the textbox next to Source, paste a direct web link to the image (if you have one).
  3. Select image class.
    • Normal: The image will display as it appears in the Editor.
    • Wrap text left: The image will display on the far right of its display area, and text may wrap to the left of the image.
    • Center: The image will be positioned in the center of its display area.
    • Size to Fill Screen: The image will scale to fill up its display area.
      • An image that is wider than it is tall will scale to fit horizontally.
      • An image that is taller than it is wide will scale to fit vertically.
Using Tables

Tables can help you display and format your content neatly.

Creating a Table
  1. In the Editor toolbar, click .
  2. Select the number of rows and columns that you require.
    • Note: It is recommended to start with 1 column, and the number of rows that you need - adding columns as required. This makes it easier to keep track of where you are in the table.
  3. Navigate between the rows and columns when inserting content with the arrow keys on your keyboard.
    • Note: The Editor places your cursor in the bottom right cell of the table upon creation.
Formatting & Alignment

You can add a border, adjust border color, cell spacing, and align your table horizontally.

  1. In the Editor toolbar, , then click Table Properties.

See: Overview

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