Are you currently communicating with your school community, class, or group using an email list, using your Student Information System, Outlook, Gmail, or a service like MailChimp or ConstantContact? You can continue to do so, and have your email messages automatically shared via the app as well, by adding an email Connection.
To add a Connection for Messages to All, go to Home Tab. To add a Connection for a particular Class or Group, edit the Class or Group.
That’s it! Now messages sent to your existing email list will also appear in the app.
This email address must be kept secret!
IMPORTANT: If you are not using a mass email service like MailChimp or your SIS, you should not put this secret email address on the To: line of your email. Instead, you should use your email program’s BCC: feature. Read more:
If you forget to use BCC: and you include any other email addresses in the To: or CC: lines, your message will not go out via the app, and the secret email address will be disabled. To resolve this, you’ll have to remove the Connection and then set it up again.
If your emails have the “View this email in your browser” link that is supported by MailChimp, users will get a full-formatted, mobile-friendly view of your message. If your emails don’t currently have such a link, you just need to enable that in your MailChimp template according to these instructions:
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