Dashboard > Help > Semesters/Trimesters


Teacher Dashboard Access is an optional feature and may not be included in your app subscription.


If your app has Classes and Semesters, we keep things tidy in the app by having semester 2 classes hidden. On the semester transition date (typically Saturday before the first day of S2), we’ll automatically hide the semester 1 classes and show semester 2 classes. If your app requires them to, students and parents will then be able to subscribe to their semester 2 classes.

Your semester transition date(s) is currently configured as:

S2: 2025-01-15

You can change this in your Dashboard under Advanced / Configuration / Scheduled Maintenance.

Appazur does not use the term “trimester”. If you have trimesters or quarters, they will be called semesters 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the Dashboard.

Each class’ semester field can be set to All Year, 1, 2, 3, or 4. If we are importing your class list from a spreadsheet, enter 0 for All Year classes.

To make changes in the App Dashboard to classes that are not in the current semester, change Visible to All in the filter at the top right of the Classes/Groups page.

Getting Ready for a New School Year

At the start of each year, chose the Semester start date(s) in the Dashboard under Advanced / Configuration / Operational Settings / Semester #. If an appropriate date/time is not listed, contact Support with this information.

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