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Setup Guide - Windows Media Player

For customers managing their own Windows media player devices.

Digital Signage Example

Quick Start

If you just want to quickly test out Appazur Digital Signage, contact Support for simplified instructions.

As described below, more steps are required to run as a secure “kiosk” and to have the displays come back up automatically after a power failure or automatic Windows update.


Appazur Digital Signage is available for Microsoft Windows, Google ChromeOS, and Android. This document is for the Windows option and is suitable for environments with suitable policies and procedures in place to secure the Windows computer, in addition to following the instructions here. If in doubt, consider the ChromeOS option.



Manual Installation Procedure

“C:\Program Files (x86)\AppazurDigitalSignage\nw.exe”

When you are successful, Appazur Digital Signage should take over the full screen, with an activation code. You can then activate your media player as described here.

Hiding the Mouse Pointer

Locked-Down Kiosk Configuration

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