Dashboard >
Help > Forms
As you know, forms can save a lot of administration time.
If you currently accept Excused Absence emails from parents, for example,
important information is often missed, such as the date or the reason.
This can lead to a lot of unnecessary back and forth communication.
You can create a form with Appazur Forms or another service,
such as Microsoft Forms, Google Forms, SurveyMonkey, etc.
Appazur™ Forms
Consider Appazur Forms for these reasons:
- The user will already be signed in when they open the form in the app, so they won’t need to sign in again or enter their name into the form.
- Integrates seamlessly into the app, with the same colors and fonts, and is also compatible with your website or social media.
- Forms can be added to the app as a Link, or shared via a Message. Users can be taken directly to the Form when they tap a push notification.
- Unlike other popular applications, meets personal data (PII) storage requirements for Canadian schools.
Appazur Forms can also be sent to staff, students, or parents via email and SMS with a short URL,
and you can use a QR code to make the form available to anyone,
even school office visitors or teachers on call.
Add a Form
- From the Dashboard Home page, in the Content section, click Forms.
- Click Add Form.
- Choose a Template to use as a starting point:
- Blank (Note: We suggest starting with any non-blank form instead, as it is easy to remove fields).
- Excused Absence.
- Other form templates published by Appazur or other organizations.
- Any of your existing forms.
- Click Save.
- You’ll then be on the form design page, explained in the next section.
Edit a Form
- From the Dashboard Home page, in the Content section, click Advanced, then Forms.
- Click the form title to open the form designer.
This title is shown to users when they view the form, and is also used in the Dashboard.
This field is read-only. You’ll use this URL to publish or send the form.
If you’d like to customize the message shown to users when they submit the form,
you can enter the text here.
If you’d like to enter a multiple-line response, or include a field from the form submission in the text,
please contact Support for assistance.
Select this checkbox if you’d like an email to be sent when this form is submitted.
You can also select which staff member should receive the email.
Note that this is optional. You can just review the form report and even download submissions to a spreadsheet.
Form Editor
- To add new fields, drag and drop fields from the right-hand toolbar.
To add a new question for a form, add a Radio Group, Checkbox Group, or Text Field.
(To allow for multiple lines of text, use Text Area.)
- For example, you can drag in a new Checkbox Group:
- To make changes to a field or paragraph of text,
hover your mouse over the field or text that you’d like to edit.
The field will be highlighted and 3 icons will appear in the top right:
Remove Element, Edit, and Copy. Click the Edit (pencil) icon.
- After clicking on the pencil icon, you can edit the text that users will see by using the Label (or Content) field. (If you do not see this, you may need to scroll down.)
- In the Label field, enter the name of the field as it should be shown to your users.
- In the Name field, enter a column heading for your form submission report. This may be the same as Label.
- Do not edit the Class for the field.
- When you are finished with changes to the field or text, you can optionally click
Close (below where you are editing) to see the whole form.
- Click Save when you are happy with your changes to the form.
- Click Exit to leave this page. Note you must save your changes first.
Notes for Field Types
Date Field
- If you want a date field to default to today’s date, enter
form-control today
in the Class field.
Checkbox or Radio Group
Use Radio Group when you want to allow only one selection. Options may be listed vertically or horizontally.
Use Checkbox Group when you want to allow one or more selections.
Do not leave the second column blank.
The first column is the option shown to the user.
The second column is the user’s option as reported to you.
File Upload
If you’d like users to be able to upload a file, please contact Support and let us know that you’re interested in this capability. We plan to add this in future.
- From the Dashboard Home page, in the Content section, click Advanced, then Forms.
- Click the View link for the form.
- You can complete the form and submit it.
Get the Link (URL) for the Form
- From the Dashboard Home page, in the Content section, click Advanced, then Forms.
- Click the form title to go to the form design page, and then copy the URL from the Link: field at the top.
- Alternatively, click the View link for the form, and copy the URL from the address bar of the pop up window that appears.
QR Code
This is useful for when posting a paper notice, for example instructing staff to complete a form.
- From the Dashboard Home page, in the Content section, click Advanced, then Forms.
- Click the QR Code link for the form.
Form Submissions Report
- From the Dashboard Home page, in the Content section, click Advanced, then Forms.
- Click the Report link for the form.
- Chose the date that you are interested in, and the subset of responses you’d like to see, and then click Apply.
To see all responses, clear the Date box, and then click Apply.
- To download responses for viewing in Excel or another spreadsheet application, use the Export CSV or Export Excel buttons in the top right.
Approve (Enable/Disable)
- From the Dashboard Home page, in the Content section, click Advanced, then Forms.
- For each form, you can choose Accepting responses or Not accepting responses. If you change this setting, click Save.
Forms can only be deleted if there have been no form submissions.
To delete a form, select the form in the list, and use the Action menu.
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