Dashboard > Help > Schools


This page relates to DISTRICT APPS only. If you have an app just for your school, include your school information on the Information page and use Message to All.

See Also:

School Information in the App

School contact information and other links can be accessed from both the Home tab of the app, and the Schools (or Classes) screen.

Home Tab

For convenient access to school contact information and other links, your schools are listed on the Home tab of your app, or in a Schools submenu available on the Home tab. Users do not need to sign in to access this information.

If your schools are not already listed on the Home tab, contact Support for assistance.

New in 2020: Make any changes to your School links under Classes/Groups in the Dashboard, rather than under the Information menu.

Subscribing to Schools

In order to receive messages or see calendar events for a particular school, app users must subscribe to the school(s) of interest. Once they subscribe, they can tap the School to access the associated links.

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A School is just like a Group, but the Category field is set to School.

For each school that needs changes, just click on it under Classes/Groups. After you click Save, users will see your changes the next time the app is opened.

Short Name is used in notifications and on the calendar.

If you want users to find any links for this school in the app, you have to add them in the Links section.

You can also set up Connections for each school.

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Links and Documents

You’ll need to input the following information

External URL

You can link to a web page, online video, app, and more.

Copy and paste the link from your browser’s address bar. You must include the https:// portion of the link.

If you leave the Needs webpage navigation? option as Default, the app will decide automatically how to open the link. Alternatively, you can choose one of these options:


You can upload an image, PDF file, audio file, or video.

Read our advice regarding PDF files and documents: Documents


You can create a document here. If the content already exists in a Word document, you can copy and paste into the Editor. Then, check for any formatting issues.


Enter a phone number. The app will use this to initiate a call when the link is tapped. Do not include any spaces. Do not include an extension or any other text. e.g. (888)277-5705, +18882775705, or 888-277-5705.

We recommend entering the phone number in the Subtitle field as well, so that the user can see this information.


Enter a valid email address. The app will launch the email app when this is tapped.

We recommend entering the email address in the Subtitle field as well, so that the user can see this information.


If you have lots of links, you can organize them into submenus. For example, you could use a submenu for a Student Handbook with multiple sections, or for multiple programs or schools.

After you add a Submenu link and click Save, an Edit button will appear so you can create additional links under the new submenu.

More information:

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If you are currently sharing information via email, social media, or a website, you may be able to link that to the app, and your emails or posts can automatically go out as app notifications as well.

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Click the Subscribers button (top right) for the Subscribers page.

On the Subscribers page, you can see which app users and staff are subscribed to a class or group (i.e. who will receive messages etc.). If your app supports it, users may subscribe and unsubscribe themselves. If you don’t want to count on users to subscribe themselves, you may want to subscribe them here.

If you grant permission for a class or group to an Instructor, we will automatically add them to Subscribers for you so that they can see what messages are going to their class or group.

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