See also: Messages
Appazur’s optional Mass Notification capability is designed to reduce the number of systems you need to use. Today you may be:
With Appazur’s Mass Notification capability, you can now send email, SMS Text, and/or send Voice messages to all your parent and/or student contacts from the Dashboard. Parents and students who have already signed up in the app will get the notification according to their preferences (app push notification, email, or SMS text message), while other parents will get an email, SMS Text, or phone call.
To use this capability, sync or import your family contacts from your SIS. This can be done either via:
If you have one of these Student Information Systems, follow this link:
Otherwise, contact Support for assistance. If you currently use another system such as SchoolMessenger, you may be able to send the same CSV file to Appazur. We have experience integrating with many other Student Information Systems such as Synergy, InfiniteCampus, and Aeries.
When sending a Message, choose a Mass Notification option to select how parents and students should receive the message if they have never signed in to the app or set their preferences.
See also:
You send a voice message from the Dashboard just like any other a message, but with these Notification Options:
Audio messages may be sent as either a recording or text-to-speech. In either case, your message will be proceeded by: “This is a message from Sunnycrest High School”.
While voice messages are typically used with Mass Notification and parent contact phone numbers, they also work with app push notifications, email, and SMS text. Phone call recipients will simply hear the voice message, while other recipients will see an audio file as an attachment to the message, which they are able to play in the app or by opening the link in a web browser.
To record your own voice:
Please limit the length of your message so that it will be no longer than approximately one minute. You will not be able to record for more than two minutes.
All messages must have text as well as audio. If there is more than one attachment, the first audio attachment will be used.
The recording will only be available in the app & Dashboard for one week after the message is sent.
If you choose Mass Notification: Voice but do not add an audio file attachment (voice recording), the phone calls will use Text-to-Speech, with industry-leading Amazon Polly voices for exceptional call quality.
Your message will be repeated twice. Please limit the length of your message so that it will be no longer than approximately one minute.
SMS is handled differently because it requires legal consent from recipients, and it is common to have some incorrect phone numbers in your SIS.
Please contact Support to enable this option. When contact data is imported from your SIS, we’ll automatically send an SMS opt in message to each contact. Users simply reply YES to subscribe to future Messages.
Please refer to:
Please contact Support for more information.
Because you have imported or manually added staff accounts, by default, staff will also receive email notifications for Messages sent to their classes/groups, or Messages to Staff.
You can leave the Mass Notification option blank when sending a Message if you do not want staff who have never used the app to receive any emails.
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